Event Type


Retreat 2019- Yaarim Hotel

Tue, 22/10/2019
Yaarim Hotel, Maale Hachamisha

The Retreat was held at the Yaarim Hotel and was attended by about 100 people, members of the Quantum Center and students. Throughout the day there were many lectures on a variety of topics, a hike to Kfira Crickof ,  a gong session of 4-5 min talks + discussion of the quantum supremacy paper by google, and dinner at the hotel.


Prof. Nadav Katz - The head of the Quantum Science Center

Prof. Yossi Paltiel- Applied Physics Department

Dr. Erez Zohar- 

Prof. Hadar Steinberg

Dr. Zohar Ringel- 

Prof. Gil Kalai-

Abhishek Shukla (N. Bar-Gill group)

Yehuda Pilnyak (H. Eisenberg group)
Ayal Green (D. Aharonov group)
Tuvia Gefen (A. Retzker group)