Mission: Experimentally create, manipulate and enhance coherence of quantum systems at the mesoscopic and macroscopic level. We are measuring both superconducting Josephson circuits and atomic ensembles. In the superconducting circuits, with proper engineering of parameters and materials, macroscopic physical quantities such as magnetic flux (related to a superconducting phase difference) behave quantum mechanically. The result is a controllable quantum system with energy levels and coherence. We also implement macroscopic quantum coherence via slow and stored light in atomic ensembles. We use Rubidium vapor and optical frequency lasers to excite and probe the coherence.
I perform experimental investigations of electronic transport in devices consisting of graphene and topological insulators. The devices are built using nano-fabrication techniques and are measured at very low temperatuers (300mK) and high magnetic fields.
Quantum Simulation of quantum field theory and high energy physics
Tensor Network approaches to quantum field theory and many body physics
Hamiltonian Gauge Theories
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