Prof. Orly Shenker | Quantum Information Science Center

Prof. Orly Shenker

Orly Shenker
The Sidney M. Edelstein Center for History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine
My main active research is in two fields: one is the foundations of physics, with special interest in statistical mechanics and in the explanation of the time directedness of processes, in the framework of both classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. Most of my publications are in this field, including the forthcoming book (with Meir Hemmo) The Road to Maxwell's Demon (Cambridge University Press), which offers a new conceptual foundation for statistical mechanics. he other - and closely related - field of active research is the meaning of the concept of probability, both in general and as it is used in classical and quantum physics. My publications are mostly on probaility in physics, and The Road to Maxwell's Demon offers a physically objective account of probability in physics.