
Existing courses and programs on Quantum S&T:

The quantum center of the Hebrew University QISC leads many courses on quantum S&T. The perspective of the Hebrew University regarding education of Quantum S&T includes generating a broad knowledge base in many of our undergraduates via accessible introductory courses in Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics. These courses already exist . Many students choose to take these courses and are then able to decide if to pursue the topic in more advanced courses and programs.

These courses are part of a comprehensive and detailed Msc specialization program, as detailed here.

The courses provided by the QISC include:

77891 Quantum Technologies

Lecturer: Dr. Itay Shomroni

Introduction(4 weeks)  The Master equation of a two level system, The $g_2$ correlation function, Introduction to quantum computing, Introduction to superconducting quantum circuits Quantum Magnetometry(2 week) General theory of magnetometry , Introduction to NV centers in diamond ,The NV center as a magnetometer Quantum gates(6 weeks) Theory of effective Hamiltonians ,Quantum computing with ions, Quantum computing with atoms, Quantum computing with NV centers, Quantum computing with suprconducting devices Atomic clocks(2 weeks) Introduction to atomic clocks

2nd semester

67596 Introduction to Quantum Computation

Lecturer: Prof. Michael Ben-Or

Over the past decade a new field called "Quantum Computation" has emerged and has become one of the most revolutionary and interesting areas of science today. The essence of this field is the understanding that quantum physics based physical systems will be able to perform calculations operations and information processing at unprecedent speeds compared to existing "normal" computers. The course will go over important theoretical developments of the field, including fast quantum algorithms of factorization and finding a needle in a haystack, quantum error correction, quantum cryptography information and more. The material covered will touch some mathematics and physics subjects but no prior knowledge of these shall be needed.





2nd semester

77523 - Quantum Computing for Physicists

Lecturer: Dr. Erez Zohar

Quantum computing is a contemporary and diverse research field, combining quantum physics and computer science, centered at the development, algorithms and performance of quantum computers.

The course will focus on quantum information and computation theory, from a physical perspective unlike the algorithmic one, used in parallel computer science courses. It will include more physical, quantum mechanical and entanglement aspects, as well as focus on algorithms relevant for solving physical problems.


1st semester

77541 Introduction to Open Quantum Systems

Lecturer: Prof. Nir Bar Gil

The course will untroduce the subject of open quantum systems, along with the necessary mathematical tools and fundamental models. We will describe the relation to quantum information processing, decoherence and dynamical control, as well as to current research topics including quantum measurement and quantum dissipative dynamics. The theoretical concepts will be applied to a few realistic physical systems, such as NV centers in diamond and nano-mechanical oscillators


77693 Physical Optics

Lecturer: Dr . Yaron Broomberg 

The course's objective is teaching in an orderly fashion the subject of linear physical optics, emphasizing the notion of coherence (spatial, polarization and quantum). Some of the material covered: Maxwell's equations, plane waves, dispersion, geometric/paraxial/scalr/semi-classical/iconal approximations, geometrical optics (rays, thin lenses, mirrors, abberations, basic microscopy/telescopy), optical coherence, polarization, Fourier optics, analog signal processing, resonators, interferometry and scattering, introduction to quantum optics and non-linear quantum optics.

2nd semester

77697 Quantum information methods for many body physics

Lecturer: Dr. Erez Zohar

Quantum Many Body Physics is a very challenging research field, that requires the development of new computation methods, for handling strong interactions and non-pertubative models. The course will introduce two modern approaches to many-body physics and quantum field theory, rooted in quantum information theory: one is quantum simulation – mapping one quantum system to another one which is controllable in the laboratory, and tensor networks, which allow one to perform efficient calculations for physically relevant many body quantum states. The course will include examples from both condensed matter and particle physics (prior knowledge with the demonstrated models is not required).

2nd semester

77800 Advanced Quantum Theory 1

Lecturer: Prof. Nadav Katz

The quantum formalism, quantum dynamics, the Feynman path integral, scattering theory, quantum systems in magnetic field, second quantization, relativistic wave equation, the classical theory of fields, the quantum scalar field, the Dirac field, the quantum electromagnetic field, introduction to quantum electrodynamics

1st semester

83836 Quantum Optics

Lecturer: Dr. Shlomi Kotler

Quantization of the EM field (short recap) , Field quadratures, connection to harmonic oscillator , Quantum vacuum, Casimir, Fock states, coherent states, thermal states, shift operator, Coherence, 2nd order coherence, Hanbury-Brown Twiss, Distribution functions (Wigner, Hussimi, P-representation), Squeezed-states, cat-states (applications to metrology, QI), Non-linear effects for creating squeezed/entangled states, Measurements, photon detection, homodyne, Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, Polarization ("internal" degree of freedom, photonic spin), Two-level system, coupling to classical field (Rabi, detuning, ...),Coupling to atoms, cavities (Jaynes-Cummings model, dressed-states) 

2nd semester